Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: FIND string can be a "Regular Expression" composed of subpatterns such [abcd] matches single instance of any one of the characters within brackets (Note: "lgnore Case" option does not apply to characters within brackets) [^abcd] matches single instance of any character NOT within the brackets [a-d] matches - single instance of any character between and "d [abcd]* matches any number of consecutive characters belonging T whatever subpattern is defined to the immediate left of II*|I (period) matches any other character (use match \<abcd\> restricts match to whole words (can mix with non-word subpatterns) abcd match must occur at the beginning of line abcd$ match must occur at the end of a line Example: Find identifiers beginning with "p" or "p" <PpA Za-z0-9 1*I> or simply p[A-Za-z0-9 :: ...